Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowIn 1998, she was noted for her character as a hermaphrodite guest starring in "Good Guys, Bad Guys," a crime-drama with a twist. It was during filming "Pitch Black", a supporting role that she portrayed as a transportation victim who finds herself within a bizarre world the 2000 science fiction drama "Pitch Black" for assistance in reading actresses for an Australian-based production of a new series. Casting agents thought that she would be a perfect actress for the role despite the fact that producers of the show had planned to employ a foreign actress. Black recorded a video that was then taken to Sydney to perform an audition and landed the part of Aeryn Sun in "Farscape." The actress did not just portray her character's strength and toughness as well as forged an extremely close sexual relationship between herself and Ben Browder as human astronaut John Crichton. Aeryn turned into a highly likable and interesting character as the series progressed as she gained a legion of loyal supporters. Following the end of that show, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran. She gradually increased her voiceover appearances for film, TV as well as video game. Following a recurring role in "The Originals" , Black returned to show television with the drama "Containment" A stunning brunette who could project both force and an edgy atmosphere, Australian actress Claudia Black earned a cult following with her role in the co-starring series as Aeryn Sun as a commando pilot who was trained to keep her feelings within control in "Farscape" (Sci-Fi channel, 1999-2003). Black was born in Sydney. She was the winner of her role in the Globe Shakespeare 1990 competition, and then toured Europe along with Portia in the role of "The Merchant of Venice."


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